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Sugar Substitutes

Tired of being sick and tired? Are you or a loved one sufrering from depresion, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, eating disorders, infertility, severe PMS symptoms, elevated cholesterol or triglycerides, skin rashes, eczema and pimples, headaches, vision disturbances, gastric upset, fatigue, lack of energy, heart disease, high blood pressure, or osteoporosis? The solutions might be simpler than you think! Discover the truth about sugar substitutes. World consumption of artificial sweeteners is now over 7 million metric tonnes. Few know what the ingredients are or what history really shows.

Are artificial sweeteners safe?  Is Splenda good for diabetes?  Are there hidden dangers that affect your health?  Was there something in common with the way in which saccharin, ascesulfame-K, asparatame, cyclamate, and sucralose  (Splenda) were discovered?  Discover some of the disturbing facts.

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